Getting Started
Check out the Enmeshed Documentation here. The Prototype The NetWatch prototype demonstrates how the wrapper accesses the Android Keystore System through an Abstraction Layer. This layer off...
Check out the Enmeshed Documentation here. The Prototype The NetWatch prototype demonstrates how the wrapper accesses the Android Keystore System through an Abstraction Layer. This layer off...
Introduction Testing has always been a very important topic to determine the functionality of the methods and to narrow it down to create a perfect implementation that fits the description and req...
Prototype Overview The prototype is a Java application designed to test and demonstrate the functionality of interacting with the Android implementation of the Crypto-Abstraction-Layer. This layer...
What is CI/CD Pipeline CI/CD automates much or all of the manual human intervention traditionally needed to get new code from a commit into production, encompassing the build, test (including int...
Pre-Commit Hooks You may have come across the saying during your younger days or throughout your life: “Quality over Quantity.” As members of the Netwatch team, we want to assure you that we are ...
Used Rust Crates Additionally to the Rust libraries used by the upstream Crypto Abstraction Layer by j&s-soft, we use the following 4 libraries: jni Provides Java Native Interface bindings fo...
Architecture flowchart TB subgraph Legende TeamNetwatch[Team NetWatch] j&s-soft Android end subgraph CryptoAbstractionLayer [Crypto Abstraction Layer] ...
What is a HSM? While hardware security modules can refer to many different implementations of key-storage where a Linux kernel compromise can’t reveal them, such as TEE, StrongBox explicitly refer...
We have come so far with this project and done so much as we intended to do. We worked as a wonderful team on this piece and combined our abilities and strengths to create this prototype that we ha...