Getting Started

Getting Started

Check out the Enmeshed Documentation here. Beschreibung des Bildes


The NetWatch prototype demonstrates how the wrapper accesses the Android Keystore System through an Abstraction Layer. This layer offers a more user-friendly interface for key management and security operations. The Abstraction Layer also allows various security features, which is especially important for effective application on various newer Android devices like the Google Pixel.


Technology Stack

The project mainly uses the Rust programming language. As well as Android Studio and ADB (Android Debug Bridge) to develop and test the applications on Android devices. The Git version control system is used to ensure management in GitHub.


  1. Install Rust:
  2. Install Android Studio:


  1. Clone the Repository:
    • Open your terminal and run git clone
  2. Install Dependencies:
    • Switch to the project directory with cd netwatch and run cargo build to install all necessary dependencies.
  3. Conduct Local Tests:
    • Run cargo test to ensure that all tests are successful.

Content and Structure

  • Source Code:
    • Rust modules for interfacing with the Android Keystore and managing interactions with Hardware Security Modules (HSM).
  • Documentation:
    • The project documentation provides technical guidance and descriptions, as well as detailed explanations of the architecture, error handling, functionalities and more important information to understand the work process..
  • Tests:
    • Automated tests are provided to ensure the integrity, security, and performance of the software.
  • Examples and Tutorials:
    • Examples and tutorials are provided to better understand the project and its processes.