
Next Steps

We have come so far with this project and done so much as we intended to do. We worked as a wonderful team on this piece and combined our abilities and strengths to create this prototype that we have. With that being said, we have a lot to do and want to explore our capabilities in depth.

This report outlines the progress we made and the progress we want to achieve

We want to share our ideas or next steps and our ways with you.

1. Symmetric Encryption:

Building upon the established asymmetric encryption functionality, the next step is to create the Symmetric Encryption and include it to our collection. Which will enhance the overall Encryption and more Encryption options, which leads for the long run to relative easier ways to create Hybrid Encryption.

2. Bug fixes:

We have already addressed some bugs, like the RSA bug we were facing. Which forced us to make a systematic bug identification that helped us to detect bugs that we were unaware of. we have a long way and a lot of bugs to fix,some of that we are unaware of and others that we are already aware of like the RSA bug we had.

3. Documentation:

Our current Documentation will be expanded and improved to be more user-friendly and include more resources and to contain different additional content, that is helpful and to make sure that the average user can have just enough knowledge about the project without needing to google anything else.

4. Tests:

While test creation and running it on Android itself is not a significant issue, establishing a robust testing environment presents a challenge. Even though we have tried an amount of possible solutions to create a JVM Environment using Rust for testing, we still haven’t found a way to create a JVM Environment for our Tests to run.

5. Adding Building and Testing Pipelines:

We want to make sure to test and build the Application occasionally. By automating builds and tests, developers can make smaller changes and commit them with confidence. 1

6. Add some Tools to measure the performance :

Measuring and evaluating the application’s performance is essential. Owing to the fact, that this is an indirect way of We want to measure the performance and see how fast our Application is, even though it’s a small application, we still need to see how fast this tool can be and if it is still optimizable.

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